Friday, November 22, 2013

HUGS to treat Autism

When autism stroked my son, it was devastating. I was watching, day by day, how my son was getting into his inner self and I couldn't stop it. He didn't want to be around me, he didn't like me; which hurt me so bad. I didn't know what to do, but I followed my mother's instines to "hug him as tight as I could." So I began to hug Tommy very tight more often than ever before without knowing this will  truly help.

Later, I learned about Oxytocin, known as the 'LOVE' hormone. According to an article published in Autism Speaks: "Oxytocin has long been of interest to autism researchers. In 2010, Autism Speaks funded the first clinical trial using oxytocin nasal spray to treat children with autism. The success of this pilot study led to government funding of a much larger clinical trial  currently in progress at centers across the country." But one way that the brain realizes Oxytocin is through 'HUGS.' In kids with Autism ordinary hugs are not enough, they need to be "TIGHT HUGS" due to many kids Autism (not all) have sensory processing issues. 

Then, I watched the Neurodevelopmental Program Introductory DVD, where Linda Kane talks about giving tight hugs to a child with Autism as many times possible to change the behavior of rejecting being hugged. So I kept going with my tight hug's therapy. 

Even a hug machine was invented by Temple Grandin, who has Autism, so it could help her to get calmed. 
"hug machine, also known as a hug box, a squeeze machine, or a squeeze box, is a deep-pressure device designed to calm hypersensitive persons, usually individuals with autism spectrum disorders. The therapeutic, stress-relieving device was invented by Temple Grandin in college.[1][2]Autism and autism-spectrum disorders have profound effects upon both social interactions and sensitivity to sensory stimulation in persons with such conditions, often making it uncomfortable or impractical for them to turn to other human beings for comfort. Grandin solved this by designing the hug machine so both she and others could turn to it for sensory relief, whenever needed or simply desired."
A hug machine or Oxytocin spray won't replace the comfort of human contact between my son and I, because hugs are what have helped me to get closer to him. My husband told me the other day, Do you remember when Tommy used to not like you? I felt good when he said this because it is part of the past. I have completely worked it out on my own by educating myself on my son's diagnosis. Today is a different story. Tommy and I have built a trusting relationship! Tommy communicates with me because he knows I give him the opportunity to communicate by waiting as long as he needs to give me a response. I use a lot of body language with him, to tell him that I am entusiathicly waiting for his answer. Many of us don't pay too much attention about our body language and our own communication skills as a communication partner when dealing with a child with developmental challenges, which plays an important role in enticing the child to communicate with us. 

Hugging is one of the most powerful body language to get into the world of a child with Autism because you  say without words, how much you love them not matter what, how important they are for you. Do not expect that a child with Autism will hug you because they struggle to show affection, not because they don't have feelings. They don't know how to express it and the best way for them to learn how to express affection is if they get affection from people around them. One shouldn't request a hug to a child with Autism, instead just give him or her a tight hug over and over again, then over time, you will see a difference. I tried it and it worked!

Today, we see Tommy that is beginning to use more spontaneous gestures and verbalization to communicate. One example: On Sunday, I put him to choose between his new pajamas with a bear design or the pajamas with a motorcycle design. He smiles and took time to respond. While he was taking his time, he kept looking at the two pajamas and smiling at me, and suddenly, he gave me his answer: Dinosaur! He didn't want the pajamas I showed to him, he wanted his favorite dinosaur's pajamas. Another example: When he came back from school, the day before yesterday, he went to the dinning room, came back to the living room and said to Daddy: I want chips and cookies! Something simple as a tight hug has a biochemical reaction in the brain, which can change the world of a child with Autism.

Previous to Tommy's Autism diagnosis, we felt we had a child that was a super baby because he was doing outstanding regardless his genetic disorder. We didn't have many therapies and we didn't have medical expenses. But when he got diagnosed with Autism, it is when our journey truly began because having a child with Autism is very expensive and many of the treatments are not covered by insurance companies. If you try to work with a DAN doctor, you should be aware that the bills can get around $1,000 (out of pocket) per visit. Why not to spend time in a hug treatment, which is not expensive at all, it can be done easily in your daily routine and it truly helps a child who needs deep touch pressure. 

We are really focused on helping Tommy to reach his full potential, regardless his DS-ASD diagnosis. Our son's recovery isn't happening overnight or just to wait and see. What I have realized is that treatments focused on neuroscience (neuroplasticity and neurogenesis) and biochemical medicine, including Oxytocin, is what is working for him. All the treatments we are doing are non-invasive, it means not conventional medication (drugs) and we are seeing more and more progress. We still think he is a true SUPER BOY because he is blooming and changing peoples mind, regardless his challenges and he keeps being healthy to the point he's considered one of the healthiest kids seeing at our Local Down Syndrome clinic, which I thank GOD everyday for this.

The sky is the limit!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Treating Sensory Processing with Craniosacral Therapy.

After 2 years of an intensive study, on my end, about what happened to my son after January 20, 2011, I truly feel Tommy is starting to recover to whatever happened to him. In my search for answers, I have also found ways to help him. A way we are helping Tommy to heal is a combination of Craniosacral and massage therapy.

"CranioSacral Therapy(CST) has been proved to be one of the helpful alternative therapy for autistic children. It uses gentle hands-on touch to decease counteract stress and strain on central nervous system. This CST Therapy must be administered by trained experts, like chiropractors, massage therapists, or physical therapists.
Cranial Osteopathy was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by Dr. William Garner Sutherland, an osteopathic physician, who founded himself in the year of 1872. The Cranial Therapy was not accepted by people for 40 years until some highly sensitive computerised medical diagnostic equipment confirmed that Dr. William Garner Sutherland has been right.
The Therapy is based on the idea that the entire nervous system of human body is in constant rhythmic motion, once some of the movements are restricted, symptoms like headaches or depression would raise. While working with an kid with autism, the initial focus often is on the cranium to locate an area that has the greatest motion response to the Craniosacral rhythm. Delicate release and pumping techniques are used to create more motion in that area." Please click on "Autism World" to read the entire article.

One thing I have to say, the times we have taken him for a session and he had had a cold, while she works moving the fluids, Tommy releases mucus effortless without sneezing and she does not apply deep pressure, just very gentle touches. He seems to heal faster and in a shorter period of time, comparing him with Francis who takes longer to completely heal from a cold, who is not in CranioSacral therapy.

What I like about Tommy's massage therapist is that she is also a mom who has kids with sensory issues. So she understands us as a family. I enjoy every time I go there because I really feel comfortable with her talking about my feelings and fears. So I feel more than getting massage therapy for Tommy, I am also getting counseling services for Free. She has become a very important member of Tommy's team.

Advice to Parents
If you have a child with Sensory processing disorder and/or Autism, CraneosSacral therapy is a good way to help the child to calm his or her sensory system down. And it is a good way for you to relax and recharge your batteries. You can take advantage that you are there an get a massage for you, too. There are some organizations that may fund Craniosacral and massage therapy for kids with Autism.

If your child has sensory issues and you suspect he or she also has Autism. Have your child being evaluated for Autism! Not all the states recognize Sensory Processing Disorder as a diagnosis itself if it is not linked to Autism, making more difficult getting the help your child needs at school such as a sensory diet. If there is not a diagnosis schools are not entitled to provide services. 

There are many grants and programs out there, but they are unknown. Work closely with your Service Coordinator from the Department of Mental Health. The most involved your Service Coordinator is involved in what's going on in your child's life, the better she or he will understand your child needs for services. I don't believe labels define a child as a human being, but the more labels a child has the greater it will be for your child to get state or federal funding for traditional and alternative therapies, especially if your child has serious health issues. Due to Tommy has been blessed with an overall good health and we are family with dual income, we barely qualify for government funding for Tommy, but I will keep finding ways to put in place everything my son needs for his developmental growth because this is an area where he is affected the most due to his regressive Autism.  I don't think of the label like a death sentence, I am taking advantage of the label!