Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Celebrating Francis's transition to a big bed

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed

Because Francis began to climb on the changer attached to the crib, we got concerned he could get hurt. Therefore, it became a safety issue more than he truly being ready to sleep in a big boy bed. I honestly think it would be great if he could stay longer in the crib, but his safety is first. Both of my kids escaped from the crib at their 18-month. This make me proud of tommy because he was struggling with gross motor, but he jumped out of the crib. There is not a specific age for a child be ready for this big transition; according to the experts in child development, it ranges from 1 1/2 to 3 1/2  years old.

Our crib is a 3-in-1 convertible crib and it has been a key to be successful in this big transition in my kids life. Tommy didn't struggle at all, every stage was an exciting experience for him. Because the transition is done by stages rather than straight to a big bed.  The first stage is replace the big rail for a small rail. I did it yesterday evening because the mattress was already placed in the last level and Francis climbed to the changer at nap time. When Tommy and Francis saw me changing the rail, the both knew the meaning. Tommy started to say:"bed" following by Francis. It was so excited seeing them celebrating. They got on the bed and began to pretend they were sleeping. And of course, they began to jump. I was a big moment to see them celebrating together.

Once the crib was transformed to a toddler bed, we went down stairs to get dinner ready. Francis was so excited that he came to me several times saying: "Mama, Mama bed." When I told him it wasn't bed time, you can see his reaction on the picture below.

Finally, it was bed time. I let the boys play around in Francis room. They truly had fun in this transition.


 Everything was fun until I laid Francis down and tuned the light off.  Francis got scared of the change and he didn't want to lay down on the crib. So I gave him a little more time to stay awake and explore around so he was tiered more than usual. Before putitng him down I rocked him and he was tiered enough to stay in bed. I waited until my husband came home, and then, I checked on him. He was sleeping on the floor. I put him on the toddler bed. He slept thru the night fine in bed and didn't fall off.

First time sleeping without the big rail.

The boy made it! 
He slept through the night without falling off.
This picture was taken a few minutes after he waked up.

Today at nap time, he did great. He fussed a little, but he went to sleep for two hours without getting out of the bed.
Waking up from his first nap without the big rail.

 It is too early to say it is a successful transition, but I am happy with how it has been so far. 

Here is the picture from his second night.
When I was about to fix him, he switched his position 
and got into the middle of the bed.
Francis is not a baby anymore!

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