I knew it will take time for my son to snip with scissors and cut straight lines because he has hypotonia; even although, Tommy have always been fine motor driven. Howsoever, my little one keeps exceeding all our expectations because he began to snip on December 9th. But this wasn't just enough for him because he cut his first straight line on December 12th. It seems my boy is accomplishing this milestones in an age appropriate range.
- He has been surround by an environment with activities and toys to strength fine motor skills, even in FREE PLAY.
- He has the appropriate scissors. There are many scissors out there to help toddlers to use them, but there is just a few which may work best with your child.
- He is a great imitator and very observant, which are important skills to learn. He spends time with typical peers during the week and maybe watching them cutting with the scissors has helped him learning how to do it.
These have been one of the most exciting moments during my roll as a mommy-teacher. I was so ready to work hard with Tommy and he just did it before he turns 3. Tears of joy and thankfulness came to my eyes on December 9th. My son keeps telling with his actions: 'Believe in my potential.'
Enjoy the video of Tommy cutting
with his squeeze scissors this evening