Sunday, March 4, 2012

Beating Milestone charts

My kids don't follow milestone charts at all. Francis is reaching many milestone ahead in deferent areas of his development at the same time. We are monitoring his development with our local Parents as Teacher organization. The teacher who visit us is very impressed of things Francis is doing advanced for his age. She also commented in her last visit, the way Francis can progress in multiple developmental areas at the same time is not typical for his age, this is more expected for a two year old child who is more skilled and has more control or his or her body.

Because my first son's genetic disorder,  I had have learned many things about child development; therefore, this has helped me to realize Francis' development has been different since he was a newborn. 
We are lucky of having family members who are helping us babysitting Francis and they also witness things are a little bit different with Francis.

Things Francis is doing at his 7 1/2 months are:
- Cruising holding the coffee table.
- Letting my hands free and standing without support for a longer period of time.
- Opening droors
- Standing by putting his hands in flat surfaces
- Imitating people around him.
- Imitating the cow sound "mooooh."
- Babbling sounds such as Taaah, atah, baba, papa, mama, yah, ayah
- Believe it or not, sorting three shapes (circle, square and triangle)
- Finger feeding on his own.
- Drinking from a sippy cup. Needs more practice.
- Beginning to transfer from one furniture to a near furniture
- Beginning to step forward with hands supported (about 3 to 4 steps).
- Beginning to climb

This video shows Francis sorting by shape at his 7 1/2 month. 
We have never practiced with him sorting by shape. 
I realized he can sort by shape because in the 
milestone guide, provided by Parents as Teacher, from 8 to 14 months
says: "Look for your baby to put a round shape into a shape sorter." 
and in the ways we as parent can help says:
"Help him fit a round shape into a simple shape sorter."
He already knew the shapes and had the coordination to do it.
People think this is cool, I think  this will bring challenges if he
keeps being developmentally advanced. 

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