Saturday, May 29, 2010

Always Be My Baby

The moment has sadly arrived, Tommy doesn't look like a baby any more. He still has his chubby cheeks, but they are slowly disappearing. He is beginning to slim-down looking more like a big boy. Besides the disappearance of his baby face, I have noticed his arms, legs and torso are slowly beginning to lengthen; so, his body looks more in proportion. He is changing right before my eyes.
My mom alway says my sister and I
are her babies forever; so
Tommy will always be my baby.

Tommy, as other toddlers this age, does not like to be contained; which is another indicator he is not a baby any more. So, I am wrestling match when I try to put him in the stroller sometimes. Whenever the opportunity presents, I allow him to hold my hand and walk instead of using the stroller, or allow him to hold onto the stroller while I push it. It seems fun for him! It is a good way to help him to improve his gross motor skills. We walked in the mall this afternoon pushing the stroller and all of that extra walking led up to a good night. He fell asleep right after I put him to sleep.

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