Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Matching Like Object

Currently, Tommy is able to match a three figure puzzle (Melissa & Doug Deluxe Wooden Barnyard Animals Jumbo Knob Puzzle). He began to match one figure when he was 16-17 month and he matched the three figures when he was about 21-22 month. We like to reinforce Tommy's skills; therefore, his Developmental Therapist and I are increasing the difficulty of matching.

One way, I have found, it is fun for Tommy to play 'matching' is during story time before going to bed. His favorite animal is the 'PIG' and he loves to do the pig sound. Therefore, I bought the book "Fun in the mud," which is about a pig that didn't want to share the mud with other animals in the farm, but at the end, they had a mud fun party. To make the story time more fun, I bought a pig figurine. It was a success! Tommy loves the story; while I read, he does the pig sound and matches the pig illustration with the pig figurine. This is an easy way to combine cognition, language development and have fun while inculcate love for reading.

You can find a good source for matching in Bill and Ria's blog. Here is the link:

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