Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sensory Box

The sensory box is a homemade toy that we created by following the recommendations of our Developmental Therapist. It is a medium size storage box, which is filled with rice or any dry material, according to your child's preference. Inside the box, we have 4 little rubber toys, a scoop and a catch-a-mess mat.

We used this sensory box during the past winter to keep Tommy entertained. The objective of this box is to work on cognition for increasing attention span, fine motor skills to work on wrist control and hand separation, as well as tactile sensory input by touching the rice with the fingers. It also helps to promote language development by describing the rice, rubber toys, scooping tools and the actions such as: 'scoop', 'pour', 'hide' and 'seek'. We still uses the sensory box, but not as often than before. Tommy still enjoys this homemade toy.

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