Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My toddler with a teenager spirit

I cut my 2 year old trying to scape! I heard the keys at the door. When I looked at it, Tommy was at the door trying to open it with the keys. He has been so focused on open the door and I guess he thought that with the keys it would be easier. Open a door knob gives toddler wrist control, which is an important fine motor milestone and a pre-skill for hand writing. He is turning the door knob half way through. Our goal is that he can open the door when he is 2 1/2. While parents of typical peers, around the same age my son, are buying locks for the door knobs; I am encouraging my son to open the door. When he is able to open the door, I will buy the locks for the door knobs. Life it is ironic! But I accept it and enjoy it as it is. I love the way Tommy has a teenager spirit, very independent! Hopefully, his independent personality won't get him in trouble when he become a teenager.

Tommy's thoughts:
I am all set! I open the door and take the car.
Enjoy the video of my little rascal

1 comment:

evrfwd said...

lol! that just made my day! love that video and you picked the best music for it too! tommy is a genius! he is gonna escape very soon. hehehehe