Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tommy 'The Super Boy' receives the Good Student Award

Tommy's regular education teacher gives the 'Good Student Award' daily at the end of each day to the one student who shows excellent behavior and has worked very hard.  Well, Tommy earned it yesterday. According to his Regular Education Teacher: 
"Tommy has really been interactive and engaged in lessons this week.  He is flexible even when routines may change a little... He was very happy (clapping, smiling, and even jumping up and down a little) when given the award.  His smile definitely lights up the room!"

The reason I highlighted the words from his teacher about Tommy's excitement is because my son is a child who feels excitement for his accomplishments and deserves, as any other child,  to develop into a good man who follows his dreams. I have the privilege of raising 'a super boy' who stands out by himself with his charming personality and not by prejudgment based on his labels of Trisomy 21 and Autism.

I am his mom, but I don't own his life. I am just God's instrument to shape him into a good man and responsible citizen because he is a human been, as you and me, since the moment he was conceived. I don't judge him for his genetic disorder and just love him for who he is, my son. I AM VERY PORUD OF TOMMY!

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