Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In my way for a full recovery

We cannot explain our feeling of relief and happiness knowing that Tommy is alright. He is getting closer to a full recovery after almost two weeks of scary and stressful times.

The pediatric team met to analyze Tommy's case last week. They decide to do a breathing treatment, the same uses for asthma, to help Tommy opens up his lungs faster. After three days of intensive treatment, it wouldn't work and Tommy was getting extremely tired because he couldn't sleep thru the night because the nurses were waking him up every three hours, then his respiratory rate when crazy because it was constantly fluctuating.

The pediatrician in charge was following Tommy's case very close, she came on Sunday morning to know if the breathing treatment was working. She was hoping Tommy's respiratory rate was stable, but I told her it wasn't improving. She immediately noticed Tommy was looking very tired because around his eyes were red and puffy. She asked me if he was getting more sick and I told her he had three days without sleeping. So they realized it was being too much and then they tried to do the respiratory treatment without waking him up and Tommy could sleep; then, his respiratory rate when up and he began to keep it up. The poor guy was restless and he is not used it because he sleeps through the night since he was 2 months old, so the lack of sleep was shocking for his body.

The doctors were worried after 10 days Tommy was still needing oxygen, so the hospital met a team of pulmonary doctors to analyze Tommy's case because it may be the possibility of he could have a pulmonary issues because of his genetic disorder. But after doing new x-rays and revising his medical history through an interview with me, they got into the conclusion he doesn't have pulmonary issues. The two pulmunary doctors, who talked to me, agree he had a very bad RSV and it took him longer to recover. They told me it is not the first time they have seen a case like Tommy's. One of the pulmonary doctors said he will be fine in 2 or 3 days and it seems he was right. Tommy was without the oxygen most of the day yesterday and they just put 0.5 liters of oxygen when he went to bed. He has been out of oxygen the whole day today and he is keeping his respiratory rate up, so they will let Tommy sleep without oxygen tonight. If he doesn't need the oxygen tonight he will be realized soon.

Thank you so much for all your emails,
prayers and support. They mean a lot to us.
You can see the power of your prayers
in Tommy's pictures and videos.

Teaching healthy habits to Elmo

My best friend, Elmo, is with me everywhere I go

Dr. Tommy

Dr. Elmo

Someone needs a hair cut

I am a happy guy again thank to your prayers
and the intensive care from my nurses who
will remember me forever because
our constant fights.
I am in my way for a full recovery

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