Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Prayers for my boy!

It took me tree years to put the puzzle together to what happened to my son. Now, I have a broad understanding what happened and how to help him. I keep praying for wisdom, so I can work with my son to overcome AUTISM. I keep praying for God sending the right people in our path, so they can help Tommy to reach his full potential. God is giving me proof that he is listening because the scicist information that I can handle today, I wasn't able to understand it three years ago. The new therapists are just what I was asking for, the truly can read Tommy and they told me what exactly I think Tommy's issues are without me telling them. His challenges are based on his Autism diagnosis and they are giving me the solution for it.

The more I know and the more I realized that the sources to treat AUTISM are out there. The issue in overcoming Autism is that the medical community is divided, so many parents are not aware that is more that it can be done for their kids than what their doctors are telling them. On the other hand, many other parents don't have the money to paid for these treatments that heal the underline causes of Autism. Just to give you an idea how expensive is to treat underline causes of AUTISM:

High potency Probiotic (450 billion)        $110.00
Vitamins for kids with Autism                    $74.00
B12 Injections                                             $35.00
Doctor Visit                                               $190.00
Yeast Treatment                                          $22.00
Natural Thyroid                                          $15.00
Iron                                                             $12.00
Craneo Sacral Therapy                             $120.00
Total                                                        $578.00

This list doesn't include special diet, therapies and neuro-developmental program or other expenses that varies every months. Depending of what is needed in a month, we can have two visits to the doctor that could be added to the medical expenses. So the Doctors visit in a month could be for $380.00.

So I have realized that I have to pray for sources to cover for the expenses of getting him seeing for specialist in mitochondrial dysfuntion. I will be applying for grants; hopefully, they will go through so we can travel to other state to see an specialist in this area. Please send your prayers in our way, so we can get the soruces to put in place all the treatments and approaches that will help Tommy to reach his full potential.


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